Friday, October 21, 2016

Days 8 and 9

It felt like we had been going at a pretty good clip and we were excited to have life slow down and to just enjoy the scenery.  So for days 8 and 9 we had beach days.  No excursions, no tuk tuks, no temples, no tigers, no worries!  2 days with no itinerary and plenty of sunshine!


Today I woke up early to watch Hailey's game.  Unfortunately for me night games in the States are earlier than the butt crack of dawn in Thailand.  As well as getting afternoon thunderstorms we get morning thunderstorms here which meant when I woke up at 4ish in the morning to watch Hailey's game it was raining cats and dogs.  So I put my headphones on so Jed could still sleep and watched from my bed.  The game ended regulation in a tie which means golden goal over time.  The rain had let up so I decided to go sit on the beach and watch the over time.  The game ended in a tie.

 After that it was still very early but now light.  I decided to take a walk on the beach.  I took the waterproof bag with my camera, slipped off my flip flops, and walked and walked and walked.  Well I walked so far I figured why not walk all the way to the airport.  So I did.  It was amazingly beautiful.  It only sprinkled here and there.  So prepare for a lot of scenery shots because it was so pretty I couldn't help myself.

The trail of Laura!  My footprints as I take a shot back from where I came.  I pretty much had the beach to myself on the walk there.  Remember it is low season so there are not a lot of people anyway.

 It was so cool because the sun would come out and then it would go away and look like it would downpour.  It never did though.

Yup our whole stay was red flags flying.  That did not keep us from getting in the water.  We would be able to stay in for about an hour before beach patrol would make their rounds and blow their whistles and yell for us to get out.  "Too Dangerous - must stay on Beach"

After walking quite a ways I needed to find a bathroom.  Well there is nothing around but condo type places and hotels.  So I ventured to one of the hotels to walk through and find a bathroom.  I walked all the way through and out the front doors and this beautiful scene was there.

 Then back around to the beach side walking along the side walk because I found one and was tired of walking in the sand.  I didn't prepare well because I didn't have any water or money on me.  I was thirsty by the end.

I made it, I am right at the airport.  It is so cool, check out the airplanes taking off.

The name of the airport is facing the ocean, I thought that was crazy.  There are no streets on this side only sand and lots and lots of water.

Close to the airport is the sign saying which beach we are on and a swing looking out to watch the planes come and go.

I thought about walking all around to that mountain out there in the distance but thought better of it.

 Time to get back.  I didn't let anyone know where I was going and I have been gone quite awhile.  Plus I am thirsty and tired now.  Here is a shot of a place you can rent.

 I found the "please keep clean" sign a bit humorous because the beach was anything but clean.  It was like that the whole long stretch I walked too.  Maybe it is because it is the rainy season and low tourist season and they don't stay up on it because it is just impossible.  I don't know.

 I made it back.  They had been out swimming while I was gone and so some relaxing in our chairs was in order.  My feet did not agree that I should walk such a long way in sandals/barefoot and I ended up with some nasty blisters right at my toes.

So we are all relaxing when all the sudden this guy rides up on a bike and comes to Jerame and delivers pizza!!!!  That is right folks we got pizza delivered to us on the beach in the middle of nowhere.

After some resting (and more resting) and some game playing, we tried one of the other local places to eat this time.  It was good.  Check out the ground, just tables on sand.

So after two nights of sleeping on these beds I had to look further.  They were horrible.  Felt just like a box spring.  Remember earlier in this blog I said I thought the Bangkok beds were hard.  NOPE, not at all compared to this place.  The only bad part about the stay was how hard the bed was.

 The bungalows have three dogs that roam around helping to protect the property and its people.

 These little critters were all over after we came back to our bungalow.  After some more sitting in the sun and relaxing and game playing it was time once again to eat.  I feel like that is all we did sometimes.  EAT EAT EAT, but the food was wonderful so it is hard to say no to that.

We landed back at Mama's and some seafood skillets were ordered up.  

I finally learned how to order so that Jed didn't have to eat half of my food (he didn't complain about that).   A kabob and some rice.  That sauce you see there is a yummy combination of sweet and spicy.

How some people relax on beach days!

We had two swings on our beach.  A single and a double!

  This is the front of the little shack we took over to play games in.

The Wat Mai Khao was under construction.... so I took a pictures!

Some local kids out playing soccer.

It was so nice to slow down and relax.  We really enjoyed it.

Days 8 and 9 = Success

1 comment:

  1. Finally came back to your blog to pick up reading where I left off, and I love all the pictures, especially the beach and near beach ones!


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